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So, you want to sell on-line? – A simple introduction to e-commerce

Website Giant
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If, having never sold goods or services on-line you have decided the time is right to investigate e-commerce, then it has never been a better time as there is expected to be $1.92 Trillion spent on-line during 2016 and over 40% of internet users regularly shop on-line.

However, considering developing e-commerce can be a process fraught with difficulty, here are just a few tips to help the process go smoothly.

Know what you want to sell and how

The first, and possibly most obvious step is to decide what you will be selling and how you will be fulfilling orders. You can sell almost anything on-line, however as a merchant you need to consider what you will be selling and then how you will deliver this to your customers in a timely fashion.


If you are already involved with mail order or providing an electronic product this may be a simple transition. With physical products you need to look how you will be packaging, mailing and dispatching products within the time-scale that e-commerce users will expect.

This does not have to be a massive operation, however you need to look at how you would dispatch your goods safely to clients around the world and you should look to take advice on areas including shipping and customs to ensure you price this accordingly and do not lose money.

Delivering a secure and efficient service

Online security is vital, almost daily there are news stories about data breaches and issues with on-line sales. You need to find an e-commerce and payment processing supplier who can provide the highest level of security for you and your customers.

There are a variety of suppliers available and you need to consider their reputation (as this will reflect in your own) as well as transaction costs and the speed of payment to your accounts.

Within your own organisation you must ensure you encompass a stringent security policy to ensure you do not become a weak link. This includes ensuring you use the latest anti virus and anti malware software and also employ a secure password policy.

Build it and they (may) come…

It is not as simple as putting your new e-commerce site on-line and expecting droves of customers to suddenly be spending their money on your site. You need to ensure you have a website professionally built to attract customers.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a set of tools which you can use to drive traffic to your website, in involves using various techniques to maintain high listings in the major search engines. There are some simple things you can do yourself but to keep on top of a rapidly changing environment you should look at employing SEO experts to develop and maintain your on-line presence.

Stay legal

You must be aware of the legal requirements when you are selling on-line. The E-Commerce Regulations came into effect in 2002. One of the elements required is the minimum information which should be provided on your website. This includes:

  • Service provider name
  • The geographic address of the organisation
  • Contact details including email address
  • VAT number where applicable

When you are selling on-line any prices on the website must be clear and unambiguous and, in particular state if prices are inclusive of tax and delivery costs.

When a customer places an order on your site they should be provided with “appropriate, effective and accessible technical means” to allow them to identify and correct any errors before completing the orders.

You must also ensure you confirm receipt of the order without any delay electronically, for example by an email. It is worth noting you are not required to accept the order at this point it is sensible to state that ‘your order has been received and is being processed’ otherwise you may be responsible for any pricing errors on your website. You should ensure you explain your terms and conditions for payment and refunds.

Make e-commerce simple

The simplest way to employ e-commerce is to work with a trusted partner who can support you through the process and can develop a bespoke, industry standard solution which will provide you with the confidence to trade safely and securely.

Introducing Website Giant

With over twenty years experience of web design and development, Website Giant are well placed to be your preferred partner when it comes to the implementation of e-commerce solutions.

Website Giant will create a bespoke solution for your specific requirements. Built using industry standard tools to ensure you have an e-commerce solution which meets your requirements and provides you with an on-line presence twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Contact Website Giant

For more information and a free, no obligation quotation, contact Website Giant:http://website-giant.com/contact/

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